Meredith Lewis

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Turns out I’m a ‘Quiet Disruptor’

And just what is a Quiet Disruptor I hear you say? I only found out what it was yesterday when I stumbled across a Twitter post from AcornOak that nominated me as an example of a Quiet Disruptor:

It turns out that the term ‘Quiet Disruptor’ was coined by Sue Heatherington in her book of the same name. In an article on AcornOak’s website the explain that

In our current stressful and unstable economy, the real impactful progress depends on people who see the world differently and can help us shape the new. Quiet disruptors are those who change our lives and calmly challenge the way things are, without demanding fame or glory.

I recommend this article. It explains how to spot Quiet Disruptors in the wild. You may even recognise yourself!