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How do you relate to your own creative self?

And how do you relate the story of that to others?

Join me for a one-hour workshop to develop a narrative about your creative identity.

The word ‘creative’ gets bandied about so often that it’s almost lost its meaning. And yet we are constantly told that we need to be this thing ‘creative’, that it’s an essential skill for the future.

Which it is. But what does it mean? More specifically, what does it mean to you?

Do you consider yourself to be creative?

(That was a trick question: We are all creative but creative in ways that are unique to us).

What are your creative skills, talents, or qualities? Can you describe them? Even to yourself?

Join me for a one-hour session to unpack what being creative means to you, how you feel about your creative identity, and how you might articulate this to yourself and others.

  • Online via Zoom

  • 9am-10am, 22 February, AEDT

  • 8-9pm, 22 February, AEDT

  • Tickets Free-$20


11 January

Storytelling for Collaboration

31 May

The Etymology Game